Tuesday, 16 January 2018

How to remove expired certificate from Internet explorer

Hi guys, sometimes browsing web can be crazy. You may hit expired certificate error or page not loads

Here's solution

1.open Internet explorer in admin mode ( Open by Run as administrator)
2. Then open open tools menu by pressing Alt+T
3. Go to Internet options menu
4. Click to content menu & go in certificate menu
5. Here you can browse expired certificate & remove it
6. Also you can do it by run command CERTMGR.msc

Cannot insert video in PowerPoint 2010

Cannot insert media,Verify required 64bit codec for this format is installed

For it,
You have to either download & install quick time codec with 64 bit support or you can convert mp4 file in wmv format by vlc media player.

Convert mp4 to wmv :

1. Open VLC player & select convert option from Media menu
2. Add file you want to convert
3. Click convert menu button
4. Select profile video- WMV+WMA (ASF)
5. Click browse button & give file name & add .wmv extension in name
6. Click start & file will be converted
7. And it can added to powepoint presentation

Good day

Trusted installer permission restore of a folder

Hi Fir it in find user dialogue  Enter  NT Service\TrustedInstaller And then ok After it permission will be restored